Create fond travel memories that include the journey.
Airports and airlines using VirtuaQ have no passengers waiting in queues or crowds at any of their counters. Instead of spending all their time at the airport standing in queues, they can enjoy the amenities and facilities - relaxing at the lounge, shopping, and dining, or continuing to do their work.
The digital airport visitor management system providers each passenger with a queue token number, and ensures seamless movement as they go through all the procedures at your airport. VirtuaQ provides personalized service to each passenger, updating them on the status of their position in the queue, and inviting them to come to the counter only when it is their turn next at the counter.
The single biggest factor that negatively impacts the airport experience is a flight delay caused by your staff being overwhelmed by the influx of too many people arriving at the airport at the same time, with multiple flights taking off and landing in the same preferred time slots.
VirtuaQ will help you improve your passenger experience everywhere across your airport terminals. Don’t hold up planes waiting for take-off because queues are moving slowly. Get VirtuaQ.
VIPs are important people who can’t be made to wait at airports. But passengers waiting patiently in long queues don’t want to see a VIP being ushered through to the front of the queue. VirtuaQ helps you handle this issue discreetly, by triggering processes to handle these special customers. Provide priority and VIP customers extra benefits such as sending them to exclusive queues that have smaller wait times.
Another solution we have for this is that you can generate random queue numbers but still provide a scheduled appointment time for each customer in the order in which the token numbers have been issued. So no one can tell whether a VIP is being pushed to the front of the queue.
E-Visa queues for people getting a visa upon arrival is a standard process at all airports. But you don’t have to make arriving passengers stand in line after a long flight. VirtuaQ will digitalize this process, allowing them to get some rest and make use of your airport facilities while waiting for their digital queue token number to be called.