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VirtuaQ, a smart queue management system, is a product offering from Singapore-based Lucep Pte. The company was founded in 2014 by Kaiesh Vohra and Zal Dastur to help their clients better understand their customers, and unlock value by enabling users to talk to their customers instantly, ahead of the competition.

The smart queue system was created as a solution to fix the broken experience and frustration of people waiting in line in banks, hospitals, and government offices and facilities. It’s not just a way to cut costs and improve operational efficiencies for businesses, but also fulfils a social responsibility that we felt was lacking in the public infrastructure.

VirtuaQ has been implemented by well-known institutions all over the world, including a regional bank network in Mexico, an African bank that has won awards for innovation, a government agency in Honduras, and several leading hospitals in India.We also work with some of the world’s largest system integration and IT services companies.