Retail queue management system

Avoid crowds. Let your customers in.

Enter your details to find out more about VirtuaQ - a retail queue system used by malls and supermarkets around the world:

Social distancing

Social distancing

Digital queuing

Digital queuing

Personalised shopping experience

Personalised shopping experience

VirtuaQ QMS retail social distancing

Social distancing

VirtuaQ is a retail queue management system that will ensure social distancing compliance at all your branches. Social distancing is not just about 3 feet of space between your customers. It’s also about time - schedule each customer to come to the store 10 minutes apart. Let in only 2-5 customers at a time in each branch.

You don’t have to keep the rest waiting in line outside, fuming about the long wait and the fear of Coronavirus spreading through such queues. VirtuaQ identifies customers, gets them into a digital queue, and makes sure they have a scheduled appointment.

No-contact system for staff and customers

VirtuaQ is hardware agnostic. Our cloud-based digital queue system can be deployed with just a QR code using your existing hardware. You can integrate VirtuaQ directly with your existing order management system, CRM, or any third-party apps.

Customers can queue from anywhere, using any device. SMS tokens can be issued by phone, mobile app, or just a web browser. Walk-ins who come to your store can get in queue simply by scanning a QR code. Neither staff nor customers are required to touch any hardware, token dispensers or paper tokens. This is the safest way for a large number of customers to get in to your store, without exposing themselves to the danger of COVID-19.

easy setup QMS for retail

Easy setup

Lower your retail queue management system setup costs with fast and easy deployment. The queuing solution can be hosted on cloud or can be implemented in your data center.

It takes just 10 minutes to set up VirtuaQ, and have it operational for all your branches. No additional hardware or software required.

QMS - increase revenue

Increase revenue with personalised shopping experience

Serve more customers and increase revenue with VirtuaQ by offering every single customer the same personalised shopping experience at every branch.

Remote queueing also reduces the amount of floor space used by customers waiting for service. Reduce branch real estate costs or add more services and counters to serve more customers faster.

Want to talk about your queue management requirements? Enter your name and number. We’ll call you back right away